Undue Medical Debt

Undue Medical Debt (previously RIP Medical Debt) is a national nonprofit whose purpose is to strengthen communities by abolishing financially burdensome medical debt.

RIP Medical Debt works by using data analytics to pinpoint the debt of those most in need. For many of those impacted by medical debt, their debt has already gone to collections. RIP buys their debt at a steep discount and then people around the country receive letters that their debt has been abolished.

Every $100 donated eliminates $10,000 in medical debt!

To date, through The Upside Fund’s donations to RIP Medical Debt, we have eliminated over $12.5 million of medical debt for over 9000 individuals!

Follow Undue Medical Debt on social media:
Instagram: @unduemedicaldebt
X: @unduemedicaldebt

Dollar For

Dollar For is a national nonprofit that crushes medical bills by helping patients access charity care. They empower patients and advocate on their behalf.

To date, through The Upside Fund’s donations to Dollar For, we have eliminated over $2 million in medical debt!

If you are eligible, Dollar For can help you apply FOR FREE, either on your own or with assistance from their experienced Patient Advocates.

Dollar For has created a special link just for Linsdey’s fans. Go to to find out if you are eligible.

Follow Dollar For on social media:
Instagram: @dollarfor
X: @dollarfor


To support our non-profit partners, and the work of The Upside Fund, please make a donation today!